Cadmium is a heavy metal that occurs naturally in zinc, in lead and copper ores, in coal and other fossil fuels and shales. Cadmium is found in drinking water supplies as a result of deterioration of galvanized plumbing, along with industrial waste contamination, metal plating and coating operations, transportation equipment manufacturing, machinery and baking enamels, photography, land fills, runoff from waste batteries, paint and television phosphors. It also is used in nickel-cadmium and solar batteries, pigments and surface water contamination by certain fertilizers. It is found in cigarette smoke and is an important hazardous air pollutant.
Potential Health Effects Short Term – nausea, Vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramp, sensory disturbances, liver injury, convulsions, shock and renal failure. Long Term – kidney, liver, bone and blood damage.
Treatment Methods include Point-of-Use (POU) Coagulation/Filtration, Ion Exchange, Lime softening, RO Reverse Osmosis Systems and Distillation.